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Edmond Motorcycle Accident Lawyers, OK
Tough representation for injured motorcycle riders in Oklahoma
Motorcycles are a fun way to get around the city of Edmond. They’re an inexpensive form of transportation. They’re also dangerous. When a rider collides with another vehicle, there are usually two impacts – the impact with the vehicle and the impact with the ground. Many motorcycle accident victims suffer catastrophic injuries that change their lives forever. Tragically, many motorcycle accidents are fatal.
The Edmond motorcycle accident lawyers of Cunningham & Mears understand the unique challenges involved with motorcycle accident lawyers. Our personal injury lawyers are skilled at holding car drivers and truck drivers liable when they fail to respect the right of the motorcycle rider to be on the road, or when they cause crashes because they’re looking at their cell phones instead of the road. Our lawyers have the experience and resources necessary to show how motorcycle accidents happen, why they’re preventable, what medical care you need, and all your physical pain and emotional suffering.
We have an impressive record of strong settlements and verdicts in vehicle accident cases including obtaining $1.3 million for a motorcycle rider who was struck head-on by an oncoming driver.
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How can we help?
- How dangerous are motorcycle accidents?
- Why do motorcycle accidents happen in Edmond?
- What types of injuries do Edmond motorcycle accident victims suffer?
- What laws govern motorcycle operation in Oklahoma?
- Who is liable for an Edmond motorcycle accident?
- What is the value of my Edmond motorcycle accident claim?
- Do you have a motorcycle accident lawyer near me?
How dangerous are motorcycle accidents?
The Oklahoma Highway Safety Office statistics for 2021 show that 76 motorcycle riders died in crashes, and nearly 1,000 suffered injuries.
Motorcycle accidents are extremely dangerous because there’s no hood, trunk, roof, or sides to protect the rider. When accidents happen, the impact on the rider is direct and forceful. Many victims suffer crushing injuries. Many riders strike metal and then they strike the hard asphalt.
Why do motorcycle accidents happen in Edmond?
It’s critical to your case to show how the accident happened, and what steps the drivers should have taken to prevent the accident from occurring. At Cunningham & Mears, our lawyers have a combined 105 years of experience, which helps us understand and convince insurance companies and juries why defendants should be held accountable.
Some of the many causes of motorcycle accidents on Edmond roads include:
- Failure of drivers to respect the rights of motorcycle riders to be on the road
- Failure of drivers to let motorcycle riders pass
- Driver distraction including texting while driving
- Speeding
- Driver intoxication
- Bad weather
- Potholes, roadkill, and other road dangers
- Lane splitting
- Speeding and other traffic violations
- Motorcycle parts defects such as faulty clutches, electrical systems, and brakes
- Other types of negligent driving
What types of injuries do Edmond motorcycle accident victims suffer?
At Cunningham & Mears, we handle all types of motorcycle accident injuries including:
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Third-degree burns
- Fractures/broken bones
- Nerve, ligament, tissue, and muscle damage
- Leg and foot injuries
- Shoulder, neck, and back injuries
- Crush injuries
- Road rash
Road rash is a common serious injury that occurs when the motorcycle rider slides along the asphalt or gravel after an Edmond motorcycle accident.
What laws govern motorcycle operation in Oklahoma?
Oklahoma has specific laws that govern helmet use for motorcycle riders and equipment that motorcycles must have:
Motorcycles should have:
- Two rearview mirrors properly mounted one on each side so the operator can clearly view the roadway behind him/her.
- A windshield properly designed to protect the operator from foreign objects. Operators can wear, in place of a windshield, googles or similar protective eyewear that meets American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards to protect the operator from foreign objects.
- A working speedometer
- Fenders for each wheel
- A proper horn
- A muffler or “other effective noise-suppressing system”
All riders (operators and passengers) under 18 must wear a “crash helmet of a type which complies with standards established by 49 C.F.R., Section 571.218.”
Motorcycle handlebars should not be higher than the operator’s eye level.
Oklahoma prohibits lane splitting, which means a motorcycle cannot drive Between two lanes of traffic. There are additional motorcycle equipment requirements for passengers.
There are many safety precautions motorcycle operators should take. Adults should consider wearing a helmet. All motorcycle operators should also consider taking a motorcycle education course that matches their skill level. Other recommendations include wearing the proper clothing and night visibility features, such as reflective decals.

Who is liable for an Edmond motorcycle accident?
It’s important to hold everyone who caused your accident or the death of a loved one accountable. The defendants in a motorcycle accident may include more than just the other driver. Additional defendants may include:
- The owners of the vehicle if different than the driver
- An employer
- A manufacturer of defective motorcycle parts
- A repair company
- More than one driver
What is the value of my Edmond motorcycle accident claim?
First, we work with your doctors to fully understand the type of medical care you’ll need for the rest of your life, the cost of that care, all the ways your injuries are affecting your ability to function, and your quality of life.
Our Edmond personal injury attorneys demand compensation for all your current and future:
- Medical bills. These expenses include the cost of emergency transportation, ER care, hospitalizations, surgeries, physical therapy, assistive devices, medications, and other types of medical care.
- Lost income. Edmond motorcycle accident victims can claim compensation if they can’t work at all or at the same level as they did before the accident occurred. This amount includes permanent disability work loss.
- Pain and suffering. Many motorcycle accident victims live with throbbing pain, daily anxiety, discomfort, and other difficulties that affect their quality of life.
- Scars and disfigurement. Road rash, for example, may cause unsightly scars. Victims may require both medical help and psychological help.
- Other damages, including property damage, the inability to use a body part, and loss of consortium (enjoyment of marital relations).
Generally, you must file your Oklahoma motorcycle accident claim within two years from the date of the accident. Some exceptions may apply.
Do you have an Edmond motorcycle accident lawyer near me?
Our Edmond motorcycle accident lawyers have two offices located in Oklahoma City located at:
- 5104 N Francis Ave., Suite 102, Oklahoma City. We’re very close to Penn Square Mall which has plenty of parking and easy access to the office.
- 9428 Westgate, Suite 102B, in the Brookhaven West part of Oklahoma City. This office is close to Resurrection Cemetery and off the Northwest Expressway.
Cunningham & Mears does meet clients who are ill or immobile at your home and hospitals. We also conduct video discussions by appointment.
We’ll help you step-by-step through this very difficult time – starting with answering all your questions.
Call a knowledgeable motorcycle accident lawyer in Edmond
At Cunningham & Mears, our Edmond motorcycle accident lawyers work to assert your rights. Motorcycle riders are extremely vulnerable because a motorcycle is no match for a car or truck. When accidents happen or tragically take the life of a family member, you need attorneys with a reputation for success in the courtroom. Our lawyers settle many motorcycle accident claims because insurance companies and defense lawyers know that we’re always ready to try your case before a jury. To discuss your motorcycle accident claim or the death of a loved one, contact us or call us now to schedule a free initial consultation.