Posts by Ryan Y. Cunningham
Who Pays for the Ambulance After a Car Accident in Oklahoma City?
When you or a loved one is seriously injured in a car accident, you should call 9-1-1 to request an ambulance. But often, injured people forgo this step because the rising costs of emergency transport can cause substantial debts later. And should you end up using an ambulance for something that doesn’t require emergency medical…
Read MoreOil and Gas Workers Face Risks to Their Mental Health, Too
It is well known that workers in the oil and gas industry face many risks to their physical health. They work with heavy, complex equipment; dangerous chemicals; and in hazardous work environments. From explosions, to fires, to being crushed by vehicles, and falls from great heights, the dangers these workers face are almost more than…
Read MoreNew Rule Requiring Underride Guards on Big Rigs Is in Effect
It’s long been known that underride accidents with trucks are extremely dangerous and often fatal. There have been efforts to try and avoid these sorts of traffic collisions, including certain regulations that required underride guards on big rigs. These regulations were in place in preparation for the eventual federal law regarding semi-trucks and underride accident…
Read MoreThe Many Complications of Traumatic Amputation
Accidents happen every day. Often they are brought about by someone’s negligence, such as a distracted driver on their phone or carelessness by your boss at the warehouse. Sometimes, these accidents leave us with minor injuries: scrapes, bruises, or a twisted ankle. These take relatively little time to heal, and you may not even have…
Read MoreHow Hip and Pelvic Injuries From Car Accidents Can Affect Your Life
Car accidents happen every day, and despite our best efforts to follow the law and drive cautiously, sometimes a crash is unavoidable due to someone else’s negligence. When this happens, it is likely that you will suffer from some injuries, and the ones that we are going to discuss today are injuries to your hips…
Read MoreIs There a Link Between Tylenol®, Autism and ADHD?
Taking medications like Tylenol while you are pregnant may increase the risk of your child developing autism or AD/HD, according to multiple studies. Lawsuits are being filed around the country against Johnson & Johnson, which manufacturers Tylenol, as well as pharmacies like CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart, which supply generic acetaminophen. A motion has been filed…
Read MoreThe Diagnosis, Treatment, and Complications Arising from Paralysis
Some car accidents, slip and falls, construction accidents, and other Oklahoma City accidents change lives forever. One type of life-changing injury that lasts a lifetime is paralysis. Patients with full or partial paralysis often must spend most of their life in a wheelchair or confined to their homes. In the best cases, victims can learn…
Read MoreHow Do Skin Grafts Help Oklahoma City Injury Victims?
Many accident victims in Oklahoma City require skin grafts due to burns, road rash, or other serious skin conditions or injuries. Some of the common causes of injuries that necessitate skin grafts include car accidents, truck crashes, motorcycle accidents, oil and gas explosions, construction accidents, and other traumatic incidents. Some skin graft procedures cause some…
Read MoreOklahoma City Attorneys Helping Veterans Stationed at Camp Lejeune
On August 10, 2022, the President of the United Stated signed “The Sergeant First Class (SFC) Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act” into law, after a long and grueling battle. The PACT Act contains multiple provisions to help veterans who have suffered from life-altering, and often terminal, illnesses as a…
Read MoreDriving a Commercial Truck Is Getting More Dangerous
There are numerous reasons why driving a truck is dangerous – for drivers and anyone in the path of the truck. Many truck drivers operate their vehicles while they are tired, even though the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has hours of service rules. Many truck drivers are pressured to meet unrealistic delivery schedules. All…
Read MoreWhy Is Swab Rig Work Dangerous?
A recent tragic case in Major County revealed that an oilfield worker died while working on a swab rig. The Oklahoma Medical Examiner’s Office and the OSHA Oklahoma City Office are investigating. The accident occurred right before 9:00am, which is when the Sheriff’s Office in Major County received a call for help. According to a…
Read MoreTop 5 Reasons Why Distracted Driving Isn’t Worth It
For those of us who have been driving for years and years, we’ve become quite comfortable behind the wheel. We know our own cars and how they react, how quickly they stop, how much room we need to maneuver them. While this second-nature ease allows us to control our vehicles every day, it can also…
Read MoreThe Dangers of Oklahoma Bridge Strikes
There is no shortage of risks associated with being a truck driver, no matter what state you’re in. The long hours, the uneven center of gravity, and the all-around difference in mass between a truck and standard passenger vehicles means every driver knows just how dangerous it can be. Extensive training and safety measures teach…
Read MoreAutonomous Vehicle Law in Oklahoma Allows for Risks
As innovation drives the nation forward in terms of new, exciting inventions, we discover gaps in safety and regulation as we come across them. This is just the typical process of creation; however, car manufacturers seem to have a habit of testing newer technology on their customers — whether they admit it or not. While…
Read MoreCan I Sue for Damages if the Negligent Party Dies?
Accidents happen. It is a part of life that we must live with no matter how safe we are. However, when you are injured in a car, construction, truck, or any other type of accident that wasn’t your fault, you deserve compensation for your injuries. Holding the at-fault party accountable for their negligence ensures that…
Read MoreCan I Sue if I Get Sick from Living Near a Drill Site?
Oklahoma is home to thousands of gas and oil wells, which is good for the state’s economy. On the other hand, it is also bad for your health. The more traditional method of most of these wells involves a drill sent into the ground to access reservoirs underneath the surface. The known risks of this…
Read MoreWhat Happens if I Get Into an Accident With a Delivery Truck?
Delivery trucks have taken over the roads of Oklahoma City in recent years. With so many companies fighting for top spots against Amazon, it seems like these trucks are everywhere. Between Amazon, FedEx, Walmart, UPS, DHL, and independent couriers, you will be hard-pressed to find a street without a delivery truck on it. Quartz reports…
Read MoreAutonomous Vehicles Finally Have Official Safety Standards
The future waits for no one and happens way faster than anyone expects. What was science fiction only 10 or so years ago now actually exists — cars that drive themselves! It has long since been a dream to be chauffeured safely around by your car, allowing you to nap and stream and chat to…
Read MoreWarehouse Workers Face Serious Injuries
If your occupation involves any level of manual labor or interaction with heavy equipment, there is some risk of injury involved. For those who work in a warehouse, they face even more risks — and not always in the most obvious of ways. While this, undoubtedly, isn’t news to anyone with a warehouse job, it’s…
Read MoreNecrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) and the Link to Milk-Based Baby Formula
When we welcome a child into the world, we do with great anticipation and excitement. That joy can turn to worry and concern, however, when a child is born prematurely. Premature babies, or preemies, require a great deal of special care and attention. One of the most important parts of a premature infant’s care involves…
Read MoreAmazon Is Not Safe From Product Liability Claims
Large corporations such as Amazon have gotten around typical legal red tape and requirements for years by using a team of attorneys to craft very specific language and disclaimers. Examples of this are everywhere, from advertisements on television to the phrasing on the sites themselves, and when paired with a great amount of financial success…
Read MoreTypes of Truck Safety Equipment That May Reduce Accidents
Driving semis, rigs, 18-wheelers, box trucks, and any other type of truck of any size is dangerous. Oklahoma City truck drivers need a commercial driver’s license to drive most types of heavy trucks because of the dangers. Trucks have blind spots which make it difficult to see around all sides of the truck. The cargo…
Read MoreThe Dangers of Drugs and Truckers
There are many dangers on the road – animal crossings, debris in the way, mechanical difficulties while driving, other drivers, and so on and so forth. When it comes to other drivers around you, we all know we can’t control their actions, so we must drive defensively and cautiously. This is especially true when it…
Read MoreInjuries and Risks to Rig Hands in Winter Weather
Oil fields are a dangerous place to work. Rig hands not only have to deal with dangerous equipment, hazardous materials, and physically demanding work, but also the natural and often time savage weather that they have to work in. Oklahoma suffers not only from severe heat in the summer, but also freezing cold weather in…
Read MoreWork Zone Vehicle Accidents in Oklahoma City
Driving through a work zone on the highway can be tedious and frustrating. You’re not getting where you want to be in the time you wish to be there, and maneuvering through narrow and tricky roadways can be a true hassle. But there are other dangers in a work zone that you should know, such…
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