Can I Look for a New Job While Collecting Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
Do you currently receive workers’ compensation benefits? These benefits are provided to workers that have been injured on the job. You may not be able to work because of your injuries. While you are out of work, the benefits you receive from workers’ compensation would cover some of your medical bills and living expenses.
In the meantime, you may wonder if it is possible for you to start looking for a new job while you are still receiving these benefits. It is perfectly acceptable to begin the search for a new job that will accommodate your needs, now that you may have certain limitations due to the injuries you sustained while you were at your old job.
Why is it good to start looking for work?
Workers’ compensation benefits are helpful to have because they cover a lot of your expenses during a time when you are not earning money because you cannot work. However, depending on receiving these benefits forever is simply not realistic. Because you cannot rely on workers’ compensation for the rest of your life, it helps to start looking for work while you are still receiving the benefits.
You can begin applying for positions that you feel would be a good fit for you now that you are limited to what you can do because of your injuries. For example, you may find desk jobs manageable compared to jobs that would require you to do heavy lifting or staying on your feet for too long.
If you start looking for work now, you have a better chance of finding a job before the workers’ compensation benefits run out. You could end up finding a job that is going to pay you more than what you are earning, or you could end up earning more than what you are receiving in workers’ compensation benefits each month.
When is it best to start looking for work?
When you first start receiving workers’ compensation benefits, you may not be able to look for work right away because you are trying to heal from your injuries and you do not know how long the recovery process is going to take. You do not want to waste time applying for a job only to realize you cannot accept the offer because you are still dealing with a lot of pain from your injuries. If you are slowly starting to feel better and your doctor feels that you will be able to return to work in the coming weeks, it then may be a good time for you to begin putting in applications for appropriate positions.
If you were injured at work and are having a difficult time collecting workers’ compensation, you need to hire an attorney. You will also need an attorney’s assistance if you cannot work at any point in the future because of the extent of your injuries. If you need legal help in Oklahoma City, Cunningham & Mears is here to help. Call us for a free consultation at 405-232-1212. You can also fill out our simple contact form.

Ryan Y. Cunningham is a founding partner of Cunningham & Mears. Mr. Cunningham devotes his practice to protecting the rights of injured Oklahoma residents. In addition to assisting injured clients, Mr. Cunningham endeavors to improve personal injury representation by speaking on issues related to personal injury law to attorneys in continuing legal education courses and to law students. Learn More