Car Incursions into Structures – Causes and Injuries
It is commonly understood that any type of car crash poses a danger to drivers, other vehicle occupants, pedestrians, motorcyclists, and bicycle riders. We hear on the news and sometimes may witness in person the aftermath of these accidents. However, a less common type of accident ever seen or reported is referred to as a car incursion.
What is a car incursion?
When any vehicle crashes into a building structure of some type, whether it is a retail storefront, residential home, restaurant, bank, or hospital, the accident is referred to as an incursion. These are less common than “typical” car crashes, like a rear-end collision or a T-bone collision, but they are startling because no one inside their home or any type of building expects to be threatened by a car crash.
And though they may not be as common, they happen more than you think.
Just recently, at Coolidge Elementary School in the early morning hours before 5 AM on Monday, July 29, a 17-year-old driver crashed his vehicle into the school building. The accident, which took place near SW 52nd and Villa, bent in a door, smashed out a window, and caused damage to the brick wall of the school. According to police, the driver stated that another driver cut him off in traffic forcing him to swerve to miss the car. The young man suffered a minor leg injury and was taken to the hospital for treatment. According to police, he will not face charges.
Car incursion causes
Someone may ask the question: How can anyone driving a vehicle on a city street or highway crash into a building? Well, it happens more often than you may think. The many reasons why a car may crash into a building structure are listed below:
- Driving while distracted. Can occur due to texting, talking on the phone, putting on makeup, eating, or other reasons that draw the drivers attention away from the road, even if for a few seconds.
- Pedal confusion. This is the most common reason for car incursion accidents. It occurs when the driver presses the gas pedal by accident instead of the brake pedal. Younger drivers (teenagers) and older drivers (mid-to-late 70s and older) are more prone to make this error.
- Drunk driving. Driving under the influence (DUI) accounts for about 19% of car incursion crashes.
- Driver error. This can include everything from attempting to cut off traffic, to misreading a map, to making a wrong turn. This mistake also accounts for approximately 19% of car incursion accidents.
- Traffic accidents. An accident that results in the driver losing control of the vehicle accounts for 11% of car incursions.
- Medical emergencies. Blackouts, heart attacks, seizures, numbness in the legs, and other medical issues are responsible for 9% of car incursion crashes.
- Police chase. High-speed police pursuits are the cause of 8% of vehicle crashes into buildings.
Common injuries from car incursions into buildings
Those who are most likely to sustain injuries in a car incursion crash are the people inside the building. Unfortunately, innocent bystanders tend to take the brunt of these collisions and suffer the following types of injuries:
- Broken bones
- Neck and head injuries
- Burn injuries
- Cuts and lacerations from flying debris and broken glass
- Spinal cord injuries
- Crushed or severed limbs
Drivers or vehicle occupants in these crashes may suffer anaphylactic shock from an allergic reaction to a bee or wasp sting, hypoglycemic shock from diabetes, or another emergency health condition that causes severe pain, unconsciousness, or disorientation while driving.
Our Oklahoma City car incursion attorneys at Cunningham & Mears understand the devastating impact vehicle incursions can have on building occupants. If you have suffered hurt as an innocent bystander and a car incursion crash, we are here to represent you and pursue the financial recovery you are owed for your injuries and losses. To schedule a free review of your case, call our law office today at 405.212.9234 or complete our contact form.

Ryan Y. Cunningham is a founding partner of Cunningham & Mears. Mr. Cunningham devotes his practice to protecting the rights of injured Oklahoma residents. In addition to assisting injured clients, Mr. Cunningham endeavors to improve personal injury representation by speaking on issues related to personal injury law to attorneys in continuing legal education courses and to law students. Learn More