Defensive Riding Can Keep Motorcycle Riders Safer

Riding a motorcycle can be a truly enjoyable experience. You can forget your problems, feel the air hitting your face, and explore the open roads. However, you cannot ignore the fact that motorcycling can also be very dangerous. Motorcyclists do not have the same protections that automobile drivers have, such as airbags, seat belts, and…

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Is It Time for a New Motorcycle Helmet?

If you have been in a “minor” motorcycle accident, you may have picked yourself up, dusted off, and inspected your helmet but saw no damage. However, it is important to know that motorcycle helmets can have damage that you cannot see. For example, there could be damage to the inner protective padding, which could cause…

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Snell Changes Motorcycle Helmet Standards

The Snell Memorial Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a high-quality standard of safety for helmets. Unfortunately, with its recent changes to its testing formula for motorcycle helmets, it may have fallen short in that area. Because the Department of Transportation’s standards for motorcycle helmets were outdated at best and obsolete…

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Motorcycle Accidents and Road Rash Injuries

When a motorcyclist loses control of his or her motorcycle and is thrown across the pavement, sometimes for tens or hundreds of feet, the rider often suffers an injury that is referred to as road rash. This injury can vary in severity and in the worst cases can even be life threatening. The term road…

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Most Common Injuries Sustained in Motorcycle Accidents

The consequences of a motorcycle crash can be devastating for the rider(s) and others on the road as well. The injuries resulting from the crashes can come in various forms – everything from small scratches and bruises to life-changing, catastrophic injuries. Some of the most common injuries include: “Biker’s arm” The injury referred to as…

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Motorcycle Safety Tips for Oklahoma City motorcyclist

An Oklahoma City motorcyclist was killed while trying to exit on Broadway Extension toward Interstate 44. According to police, the victim was momentarily distracted when their motorcycle jumped a curb and rolled over several times before stopping, after which he was pronounced dead at the scene. Rider error is one of the most common causes of fatal…

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