FMCSA Now Requires Annual Inspections of Rear Impact Guards

Truck accidents, in general, are scary; however, one of the most terrifying truck crashes involves an underride accident. An underride accident happens when a passenger vehicle slides underneath a tractor-trailer truck. These types of accidents are often fatal, regardless of the speed of the vehicles. To avoid these types of Oklahoma City truck accidents from…

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What Happens When I Am Injured as a Rideshare Driver?

Rideshare programs like Uber and Lyft have influenced public transportation for the better. Passengers have the power through their smartphones to schedule a ride and travel anywhere at their convenience. Passengers are not the only people who benefit from these apps. People who want to make additional income and have a driver’s license and a…

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The Issues Created by Cocktails-To-Go

It is safe to say that alcohol consumption increased during the pandemic shutdown, and liquor stores are not the only establishments that have been taking advantage of it. Some states – 33 to be exact – as well as the District of Columbia have passed local laws allowing some restaurants to serve alcohol on the…

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The Dangers of Space Heaters

Winter is an exciting season for many people, with the cold weather ushering the holiday season and a new year. Some people enjoy the drop in temperatures and the chance to bundle up inside. However, with the transition into winter comes to the risks of fire and heating accidents, particularly space heater accidents. Just last…

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Truck Driving Is a Stressful Job

Truck driving is a financially rewarding profession for many residents of Oklahoma. The financial benefits are likely to increase as the demand for drivers increases while the number of people who have a commercial driver’s license is decreasing. The rewards are countered by many different types of stress. Truck workers often have to leave their…

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Forklift Accidents and Injuries

Forklifts are used to help move heavy objects over short distances. The benefit of forklifts is that workers don’t need to use sophisticated pully, rope, and cable systems. The downside is that forklifts are dangerous pieces of machinery that often cause crushing injuries, other serious injuries, and many deaths. Forklifts, according to Ace Lifting, are…

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Why Tractor Accidents Are So Dangerous

Agriculture is a major Oklahoma industry. According to the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture, Oklahoma has 86,000 farms (the 4th most in the country) covering 35.1 million acres. Agriculture in Oklahoma supports 188, 295 jobs and produces $28 billion in output. In their words, Oklahoma Agriculture is “literally feeding and clothing our state, our…

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FMCSA Imposes Strict Bans for Drivers with Drug or Alcohol Violations

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA) issued new rules governing the duty of states, including Oklahoma, to ban drivers with substance abuse violations from operating a truck. Drivers of commercial trucks must obtain a commercial driver’s license (CDL) and keep their CDL current. A CDL is normally issued in the state where the driver…

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Hours of Service Waivers for Truckers and Trucking Companies

Generally, there are rules that truck drivers must abide by to be able to operate a commercial motor vehicle. These sets of rules are known as the Hours of Service rules. Regulated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), these sets of rules were established to help decrease the risk of truck drivers succumbing…

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Chevrolet Bolt Recalled Due to Battery Problem

In an effort to support climate change, the current administration plans to transform at least half of the vehicles in the United States from internal combustion to electricity by the year 2050. While the intentions are coming from a good place, some car manufacturers are already experiencing issues with the transformation of electric vehicles. One…

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Amusement Parks Are More Danger Than They’re Worth

If there was a ride that had the phrase “super death” in its description, would you avoid that ride like the plague or be the first in line to try it? Well, fortunately for some daredevils, there is a ride in Japan that is known for its “super death” acceleration. The Do-Dodonpa, a roller coaster…

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FMCSA Seeking Higher Standards for Truck Drivers with Vision Loss

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Medical Review Board is recommending the enforcement of stricter standards for truck drivers with vision loss. The five-member panel of physicians suggests an alternative vision standard for truck drivers who suffer from vision loss in one eye. Part of the proposed alternative vision standard is an increase of…

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Dangers of Truck Accidents for Motorists

Second only to State Route 3, State Route 9 is one of the longest state highways in Oklahoma. Sadly, it is also one of the deadliest. Between 2010 and 2016, there were 50 fatal crashes that occurred on State Route 9, resulting in the deaths of 60 people. The majority of those accidents, sadly, occurred…

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Snell Changes Motorcycle Helmet Standards

The Snell Memorial Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide a high-quality standard of safety for helmets. Unfortunately, with its recent changes to its testing formula for motorcycle helmets, it may have fallen short in that area. Because the Department of Transportation’s standards for motorcycle helmets were outdated at best and obsolete…

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Amazon Open to Fighting Consumer Lawsuits

Amazon is setting itself apart from other businesses again – though, depending on how one looks at it, not in a positive way. During a time when most, if not all, companies have forced their employees and customers to resolve legal matters using alternative means such as arbitration, Amazon has decided to change its terms…

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New Medical Advances in Prosthetic Technology

One of the most difficult injuries to recover from in any accident is the loss of a leg, arm, foot, or hand. Amputation injuries are usually due to car accidents, construction accidents, industrial accidents, and product defect accidents. The recovery process is harsh because injury victims lose function in part of their body, they experience…

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What Types of Therapists Might You Need After a Serious Car Crash?

Car accidents cause many different injuries. Drivers, passengers, and bystanders may suffer a traumatic brain injury, spinal cord damage, or other live-altering injuries. Many car accident victims require surgery. Victims of Oklahoma City accidents often need to treat with specialists such as neurosurgeons, orthopedists, and pain management doctors. The medical care that often requires that…

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