The Ways Texting Distracts a Driver
Texting and driving is out of the question if you want to be a safe driver and avoid unnecessary accidents. Although you may know that this activity while driving is dangerous, you may not be aware of the way texting can distract a driver. The types of distractions that result from texting while driving are:…
Read MoreProving Your Car Accident Was Caused by Defective Car Part Design or Manufacturing
Many car crashes are preventable, but some are out of the control of the drivers involved. This is the case when a defective vehicle or part design or manufacturing process is at fault. The accidents caused for these reasons are no less serious than others and can lead to severe injuries and even death. These…
Read MoreMotorcycle Accidents and Road Rash Injuries
When a motorcyclist loses control of his or her motorcycle and is thrown across the pavement, sometimes for tens or hundreds of feet, the rider often suffers an injury that is referred to as road rash. This injury can vary in severity and in the worst cases can even be life threatening. The term road…
Read MoreResponsibilities of Trucking Companies and Their Drivers to Prevent Accidents
The causes of many truck accidents can be tracked back to negligent maintenance and upkeep of the vehicles. This is why safety experts who monitor the trucking industry emphasize the need for trucking carriers and their drivers to perform proper inspections of these rigs prior to and after trips, and to have proper repairs done…
Read MoreFiling a Car Accident Injury Claim as an Injured Passenger
The law provides a legal remedy if you have been the victim in a crash caused by another driver. Those same protections exist for passengers, too, including when the driver of the passenger’s vehicle is the one who caused the crash. Although the number of car accident injuries and deaths in Oklahoma dropped from 2018…
Read MoreDetermining Liability of Employers for Employee Oil Field Injuries
Oil field workers in the state of Oklahoma understand the level of danger involved in the various tasks they perform on a daily basis. This includes operating heavy and dangerous machinery that requires proper training and skill to use safely. Also, the terrain and weather conditions under which these workers operate can be disadvantageous to…
Read MoreTBIs From Tractor Trailer and 18-Wheeler Accidents
Although accidents involving large commercial trucks account for a small portion of vehicle crashes across the nation relatively speaking, they are also responsible for a significant number of serious injuries and deaths. Some of these injuries include traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). This types of severe injure to the head and brain is responsible for many…
Read MoreInformation Your Car Accident Attorney Needs to Maximize Your Settlement
Attorneys help people when they are in trouble. However, an attorney can only help as much as the client cooperates with him or her. Without this cooperation, the client’s case can suffer in terms of its effectiveness and chance to obtain a favorable outcome before a jury or judge. This applies to car accident claims…
Read MoreMost Common Injuries Sustained in Motorcycle Accidents
The consequences of a motorcycle crash can be devastating for the rider(s) and others on the road as well. The injuries resulting from the crashes can come in various forms – everything from small scratches and bruises to life-changing, catastrophic injuries. Some of the most common injuries include: “Biker’s arm” The injury referred to as…
Read MoreTransportation Injuries Sustained by Oil and Gas Workers
The prime cause of oil and gas worker fatalities, just as with others workers in general industries, is transportation accidents. The majority of oil industry employees injured on-the-job are eligible to file for and obtain workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits pay for a percentage of loss of income, physical rehab, and medical treatments. Transportation-related accidents…
Read MoreCity Street or Private Road: Who’s Responsible for Car Accidents Caused by Defective Roadways?
The battle to fix a giant crater at NE 48th Street has been raging for years, and with good reason: the crater is so large that vehicles actually get stuck driving into and out of the roadway. Recently, News 9 interviewed resident Julie Autaubo about the damage to the road. Despite Ms. Autaubo being told…
Read MoreThe Dangers of CTE Among Football Players
Protective helmets and pads are essential in contact sports such as football to protect the health of players. However, helmets can only do so much when athletes hit each other, and do so repeatedly at high contact speeds. Sometimes a player may not only experience on concussion, but repeated concussions. The effect of such repeated…
Read MoreTragic Death of 9-Year Old Boy Reinforces the Dangers of CO Poisoning
If you operate a gasoline powered motorboat, you and those on board are at some risk of injury and even death. There is a particular type of hidden danger of which you may be unaware. For the Free family of Broken Arrow, OK, the day was supposed to be one of fun and relaxation out…
Read MoreAre Medians Really Unsafe for Pedestrians? The Numbers Tell a Different Story
On August 31, 2020, the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit overturned an Oklahoma City ordinance that disallowed pedestrians from sitting, standing, or remaining on highway medians. The ordinance, enacted in 2015, was allegedly put in place to help keep pedestrians safe. As it turns out, however, such an ordinance may never…
Read MoreRecent Supreme Court Decision Gives Indian Tribes Enhanced Say Over Oil Refineries, Pipelines, and Gas Wells
In July 2020, the US Supreme Court added another layer of concern for Oklahoma oil producers that are trying to stay afloat due to the COVID-19 crisis. In a landmark ruling, the Supreme Court decided that almost half of eastern Oklahoma is Native American land. The decision affects the oil and gas drillers in Oklahoma,…
Read MoreEquipment Failure Causes Fire In Dewey, Oklahoma
A recent pipe equipment incident is a warning that manufacturing and fabrication defects can cause burn injuries and death. Burn injuries can cause respiratory difficulties. Severe burns usually leave permanent scars which may require skin grafts and plastic surgery. Victims often suffer emotional damage in addition to the physical damage. Bartlesville Radio reported recently that…
Read MoreLiability Shields and Personal Injury Litigation
More and businesses are trying to shield themselves from liability or trying to control the liability process. Many businesses are now requiring that consumers sign contracts that require disputes to be heard by a board of arbitrators instead of a jury of your peers. Businesses are also trying to protect themselves by having consumers agree…
Read MoreKeeping Jurors and Court Staff in Oklahoma City Safe during the Pandemic
In Oklahoma City, jury trials are officially taking place. Typically, jurors who are chosen through a selection process, sit close to each for hours or even days at a time. With the COVID-19 crisis, that typical behavior is dangerous to the jurors and to anyone who approaches the jurors such as when a court officer…
Read MoreWhat Happens If I’m Hurt In a Crash That’s Partially My Fault?
In some car accidents, both drivers are partially at fault. Both drivers may be speeding. One driver may drive through a red light while the other driver is distracted because he’s talking on a smartphone. Just because you were partially at fault doesn’t mean you can’t file a claim, but it could affect how much…
Read MoreLiability for Drowning and Swimming Pool Accidents in Oklahoma
In his kind of weather, children and adults alike are ready to take a dip in the pool. The water offers a refreshing response to the summer heat. For most Oklahomans, swimming is a fun way to cool off and get some exercise. But swimming pools pose many dangers to younger children, including risks of…
Read MoreHow Can You Prove Your Auto Insurer Acted In Bad Faith?
You pay your hard-earned money for you auto insurance premiums. The insurance carriers make a lot of money from people who pay their premiums. When you’re in a car crash, you deserve to have your claim treated promptly and fairly. You need your medical bills paid so you can get the care you need. You…
Read MoreFDA Continues to Recall Hand Sanitizers During COVID-19 Pandemic
From the start of the pandemic, people have been flocking to buy hand sanitizers to help combat exposure to the coronavirus. Hand sanitizers are generally recommended when people don’t have access to soap and water. Now, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is beginning to aggressively monitor hand sanitizers because they contain dangerous toxins. According…
Read MoreI Was Hit by a Reckless Driver. Now What Do I Do?
“Reckless” driving doesn’t get as much attention, it seems, as drunk driving or distracted driving does, but that doesn’t make it any less dangerous. In fact, reckless driving may be more dangerous, because under Oklahoma’s definition, a reckless driver is one who exhibits a “willful disregard” for the safety of others. This is why reckless…
Read MoreDecreasing Numbers of Oil Rigs May Leave Workers More Prone to Injury
The last few months have been tough on the oil and gas industry. As oil flooded the market from overseas, the number of rigs dropped across the U.S. In 2019, Oklahoma had 109 active oil and gas rigs; as of March 2020, we now have 43. These types of declines wreak havoc on the industry…
Read MoreWhich Truck Parts Are Actually More Likely to Be Defective?
In 2019, we wrote about a college student who was killed because of a missing $3 truck part. The story captured our attention because of its tragic nature, but also because it was an outlier: when you think of defective truck parts, washers don’t usually top the list. Most of the time, people assume it…
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