The Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents (and How to Avoid Them)
Just like car collisions, motorcycle accidents can easily occur due to a number of reasons, including distracted driving, operating a motorcycle while under the influence, and even poor road conditions. If you are a motorcycle rider, it is important for you to know of some of the most common kinds of motorcycle accidents, along with what you can do to avoid getting into those accidents. You need to practice defensive riding to keep yourself safe and protected from serious, life-threatening injuries.
Excessive speed
Excessive speed is one of several reasons why motorcycle accidents occur. A motorcyclist may be speeding down the road when suddenly he or she crashes into another vehicle that seems to appear out of nowhere. However, it is not always the rider who is speeding. If the driver of another vehicle is speeding, they could crash right into the motorcyclist, causing him or her to sustain major injuries. The best way to avoid getting into speed-related accidents is to always pay close attention to the speed limits. If you notice that a vehicle on the road is going way above the speed limit, try to carefully change lanes to get away from that driver.
Random, unexpected stops
When an unexpected stop occurs, a motorcyclist may collide into the vehicle that is in front of him or her. Sometimes a driver will stop quickly because they did not notice a stop sign was in front of them, or because the light quickly changed from yellow to red. The best way to avoid getting into an accident because of an unexpected stop is to make sure you are not following too closely behind another vehicle. Leave enough space between your motorcycle and the vehicle in front of you. If there is enough space between the motorcycle and the car, you will be able to brake with ease, even if the vehicle in front of you comes to a quick stop.
Left-hand turns
Some turns are more dangerous than others, and left-hand turns are at the top of the list. Other vehicles may not see you in the turning lane or while you are crossing traffic. When making a left-hand turn, you should make sure the area is completely clear before you make your turn to avoid colliding with another motorist.
Motorcycle accidents are commonly caused by speed, unexpected stops, and even left-hand turns. If you were recently in a motorcycle accident and you were severely injured, you need to find out if you can file a claim against another motorist that may have been at fault. At Cunningham & Mears, we are here to help the injured victims of Oklahoma City. We would like to consult with you. Reach out at 405-232-1212 or send us your contact information.

Ryan Y. Cunningham is a founding partner of Cunningham & Mears. Mr. Cunningham devotes his practice to protecting the rights of injured Oklahoma residents. In addition to assisting injured clients, Mr. Cunningham endeavors to improve personal injury representation by speaking on issues related to personal injury law to attorneys in continuing legal education courses and to law students. Learn More