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Experienced Oklahoma City Oil Field Lawyers Representing Clients with Crushing Injuries
Dedicated injury lawyers protecting Oklahoma oil field workers
The oil and gas industry is one of the most hazardous industries for workers. Both the state of Oklahoma and the federal government require employers to provide workplaces that are safe for workers, and as hazard free as possible. In those instances where there is inherent danger, workers should have adequate protection and training in how to do their jobs without risking their lives. Regardless of whatever precautions are taken, oil and gas industry workers suffer devastating workplace injuries and death at a terrifying rate. As the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says, "No one should have to be injured or killed for a paycheck." Workers have the right to ask questions and report unsafe working conditions.
At Cunningham & Mears, our trusted Oklahoma City oil field injury attorneys protect the rights of injured workers. We are strong advocates for you, and we are dedicated to making sure that you receive all the benefits that you deserve. Schedule a free consultation today so that we can discuss your case and inform you of your legal options.
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What is a crush injury?
A crush injury in the oil and gas industry might result from being squeezed between two objects, or something heavy falling on the workers. Crush injuries often involve many different types of heavy machinery or equipment used in the oil industry.
What causes crush injuries?
The American Journal of Industrial Medicine reports that crush injuries from being struck or crushed by heavy equipment is second only to transportation injuries as the most common cause of severe injury and death on oil rigs and throughout the oil and gas extraction industry. Crush injuries are the result of prolonged pressure from a heavy object which can lead to irreparable tissue damage, internal bleeding and death. When a large piece of machinery such as a crane or another large piece of equipment falls and lands on a worker, it can crush the bones, which causes far more damage than a clean break. When a bone is crushed, the injury is excruciating and can lead to compartment syndrome, which can then lead eventually to amputation of the finger, hand or limb.
What are some other common oil field injuries?
The U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Injuries, Illnesses and Fatalities data reports that fatal work injuries in the oil and gas extraction sector have decreased. The fatality rate was 34% lower in one year than the previous year. It decreased to 11.4 per 100,000 full-time workers from 14.2 the year before.
Transportation incidents caused the most injuries, followed by fire or explosion, fall, slip or trip, exposure to harmful substances or environments, and contact with objects and equipment.
Some of the most common hazards in the oil and gas extraction industry include:
- Transportation accidents
- Struck-by a flying object
- Struck-by a falling object
- Struck-by a swinging object
- Caught-in or between
- Caught in machinery or equipment
Industrial Safety & Hygiene News reports that proper training for new employees in the oil and gas extraction industry is the key to preventing injuries and fatalities, and that workers should understand the hazards associated with their work and know how to mitigate those hazards.
Workers who are hurt on the job may be eligible to file a workers' compensation claim to receive benefits such as a partial wage loss benefit for time lost at work, medical expenses related to the workplace injury or illness, and vocational rehabilitation services for those workers who need to change jobs or industries after an on the job injury. Those who are not eligible for workers’ compensation may be able to file a third-party personal injury claim. No matter which option is best for you, we can help. The Oklahoma City oil field injury attorney team at Cunningham & Mears is here to protect your rights. You will enjoy the benefits of 105 years of combined legal experience working on your behalf.
Schedule a free consultation with a seasoned oil field injury attorney in Oklahoma
Have you been injured in a workplace oilfield accident? If you are facing any kind of workers’ compensation dispute or if you are considering a third-party claim for your injury we are here to help. At Cunningham & Mears, our Oklahoma City personal injury attorneys are here to pursue justice on your behalf. You can learn more about our services and your options when you contact us or call 405-232-1212 now for a free initial consultation.