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Oklahoma City Attorneys Fight for Victims of Oil Service Truck Accidents
Strong representation for workers and non-workers injured while transporting oil and materials
Service trucks are a prime component of oil field construction work. These trucks are needed to bring equipment and materials to the work site and to transport the oil once it has been extracted. Sadly, oil trucks are a hazard to drivers and other workers. Many people die or are seriously injured when these trucks are used improperly.
At Cunningham & Mears, our Oklahoma City lawyers are a dedicated team of injury attorneys protecting your rights. We understand the dangers involved in oil field work and what steps site owners, contractors, the government, and others must take to protect their workers. When service truck accidents occur, we work with investigators and oil field professionals do determine what caused the accident. We then work with your medical team to confirm that the service truck accident is what caused your injuries. Finally, we negotiate with insurance adjustors, file workers’ compensation claims, and bring lawsuits in court to get you all the money you deserve.
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Reasons oil truck accidents occur in or near Oklahoma City
Service truck accidents can be deadly. Survivors often suffer broken bones, spinal cord damage, nerve damage, traumatic brain injury, damage to internal organs, and other serious injuries. Many survivors need long-term medical care, lose time from work, and lose the ability to perform daily tasks. Victims suffer physical pain, anxiety, depression, and worry.
Our experienced Oklahoma lawyers work to understand how the accident happened determines, who is at fault, and who should pay for your damage. Oil field, shale, and natural gas vehicle accidents are especially dangerous because the cargo can spill creating havoc for other drivers. Service trucks travel on the main highways and roads around Oklahoma City, not just the oil field site. If the cargo is oil, a collision can create an instantaneous fire or explosion. Some of the more common ways service truck accidents happen are:
- Failure to follow the state traffic laws. Speeding, tailgating, and running stop signs and traffic signals are a major cause of accidents.
- Distracted drivers. Drivers who are using a smart phone, driving while intoxicated, or adjusting the radio don’t have control of their vehicles.
- Bad roads. Service trucks, especially near the oil field site, often travel on dirt, gravel, uneven road surfaces, and other roads not meant for commercial trucks.
- Defective trucks and poor-quality trucks. Only trucks designed to transport oil and oil field equipment should be used. If a truck has bad brakes, lights that don’t work, or steering that is faulty; an accident can occur. Service trucks take a lot of abuse. The owners of the trucks need to make sure the trucks are routinely inspected. Faulty trucks should be repaired before drivers get behind the wheel.
- Improperly trained or unqualified drivers. Operators of commercial trucks need to have a commercial driver’s license. Drivers must be trained to carry heavy loads and hazardous materials.
Driver fatigue is a major cause of service truck accidents. Drivers are often pushed to work long days. Our lawyers study whether the driver and the oil field company failed to obey the FHSMA laws which regulate when drivers must rest.
The types of oil field service truck accident claims victims and families can bring
Our Oklahoma lawyers represent clients in the following types of cases:
- Wrongful death. If a non-worker is killed, our lawyers work to hold the truck driver, the owner of the truck, and any other responsible businesses liable for the death of your loved one. Damages include the funeral bills, the loss of income your loved one would have used for his/her family, and the loss of support the deceased would have given relatives.
- Workers’ compensation. If an employee is hurt or killed, we demand all the work injury benefits Oklahoma workers’ compensation law permits.
- Personal injury claims. Injury victims are entitled to hold the driver and others liable for causing your injuries. We work with your doctors and your employers to detail all your medical and financial damages including your pain and suffering.
- Product liability claims. If the truck was defective and the defect caused your injuries or a death, we demand that the manufacturer, distributor, and retailers be held accountable.
If the state, county, or township was responsible for the roads and failed to properly maintain or design them, our Oklahoma City attorneys represent you, in court, against the government.
Get strong help from a respected Oklahoma City oil service truck accident lawyer
At Cunningham & Mears, our lawyers have more than 105 combined years of experience trying cases before juries and settling cases with insurance adjustors. Whether you were an employee or a contractor, we can guide you through the litigation process. For help now, please contact us or call 405-232-1212 to schedule time with one of our injury lawyers. You can trust that our lawyers will answer you.